Few topics gather more ears, or more blushes! Our sex lives are something we are often not comfortable talking to our provider about, but who do you talk to when things are not going well? Most medical providers are trained to help you, but you need to feel comfortable enough to bring it up. Let’s talk about some factors that are important if you are going to have a satisfying sexual experience.
- A positive self-image. This refers to how you think of yourself sexually. Are you focused on being too fat, too thin, too ugly, etc.? If you don’t like yourself or how you look, you will have a hard time believing that anyone else could love you. Doing positive things for yourself, like losing a few pounds or exercising regularly can go a long way, but sometimes it takes more serious help, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), sex therapy, meditation, treating depression, or many other possibilities.
- A feeling of safety. Women often stay in abusive relationships far too long. Don’t put up with serious verbal or physical abuse or make excuses for someone who can’t treat you well. Get some help!
- A loving relationship. Be choosy and make sure the one you are with feels like a good fit for you and returns your feelings. Don’t sell yourself short, you needed to love and be loved. We were designed that way. There are different ways to show love, such as affectionate touch, words of appreciation, acts of service, gifts, or spending quality time together. Check out more about love languages. http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
- A healthy sex drive. If you are always too tired, too stressed, or it feels like too much bother, you will not have an enjoyable sex life. This may indicate a need to do some bet
ter time management and tame the stress in your life. It may also mean your libido has waned and it is no longer a priority. There are solutions for both. Menopause often robs us of our desire as our natural testosterone wanes.
- Healthy sex organs. If hormone deficiency has left you dried up, then vaginal intercourse may become painful. Lack of estrogen can cause atrophy (thinning and drying up) of the vaginal wall. The clitoris may lack the blood supply needed for proper arousal. There may be too little lubrication. This is an indication that there are underlying problems that need to be addressed. If this is interfering with your love life, then get your hormones tested. There are many ways to help with these problems. You may be a candidate for some hormone replacement therapy.
If your sexual fulfillment is a major problem for you, I understand. Menopause robbed me of my enjoyment. I spoke to my gynecologist who understood that it was a hormonal problem and specifically, a testosterone deficiency, but there were few options available in conventional medications, and I did not get any help for years. But thankfully, I learned about BioTE Pellets and my problem has been solved beautifully. Hormone replacement comes in many forms and there are many other factors involved. Our overall lifestyle can affect our sex life. Eating well can help us manage our weight and energy. Regular exercise helps tone up muscle, including pelvic muscles. Investing some time in your overall health can improve your love life, because pain, exhaustion, or other medical problems will certainly dampen your sexual enjoyment.
Sexual intimacy should be a beautiful and pleasurable part of your life, even through menopause. Don’t suffer in silence, there is help available.
Great information! thanks